Song Circle Disclaimer Talking Blues
Dick Thies
Now ya go to song circle, let me tell you what to do
Gotta find a disclaimer that’s right for you
Something that’s fun, but sorta true
Something that explains what you can’t do
For lack of abilities There’s lots of possibilities
Ya know I’m getting’ kinda old and I forget some stuff
My brain can’t work on the lines that are tough
I could read the words from the old Blue Book
But my eyesight’s kinda shaky so its hard to look
That font’s kinda small I think they changed the words
My right shoulder’s acting up and it makes me kinda blue
Got some rotator cuff damage with some tendonitis too
I could hardly make my fingers go, to do my banjo pickin’
And holding that heavy banjo it, well it bothered like the dickens
So I’m doing my therapy, tryin’ to work on my dexterity
Well I got my vaccine shot, yesterday
My body kinda aches makes it hard to play
My shoulder is sore and my fingers hurt
I hope its getting better so my skill will revert
Well don’t I just love it, all my mistakes must be due to COVID
Now before I give it up, I could just play a tune
But my fingers get confused & don’t know what their doin’
And yesterday’s carpentry was goin’ pretty slick
‘Til I hammered thumb now its kinda hard to pick
But it might be OK if my strings weren’t old
And I didn’t have to worry that this capo won’t hold
Maybe I could just do one a cappella