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Folk Alliance International virtual conference @ Online
Feb 21 – Feb 26 all-day

Folk Unlocked headerFolk Unlocked: Connection, Discovery, Inspiration, is a five-day event for the entire international folk community to come together for panels, workshops, showcases, affinity and peer group meetings, exhibit spaces, networking, and mentorship. This is a year for innovation and creativity, and our goal is to create a space for community building and career development for everyone from the comfort and safety of their own home.

While the conference officially starts on Monday, 2/22, there are events on Sunday, 2/21, including meet-ups with artists such as John Gorka, Eliza Gilkyson, Cathy Fink and many others.  The schedule is much too long to even summarize here, but there will be the Keynote Interview: Margaret Atwood with Anaïs Mitchell, and a session on Songs and Pursuit of Social Justice including OSU’s Bob Santelli.

For more information and to register click here or on the logo above.